On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:35 PM, V!ctor Adán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> After trying for hours to figure out why my LilyPond score was generating
> programming error messages on compilation, I finally found the culprit and
> was able to come up with a pair of minimal examples generating the errors. I
> searched the mailing lists for solutions to this, but I found no posts of
> this specific problem, so I guess this is new.
> The problem seems to be occur when combining three things:
> 1. proportional notation:
>       proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 34)
>       \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing =##t
> 2. \grace or \afterGrace notes
> 3. \break or \pageBreak immediately before \grace or immediately after
> \afterGrace notes.
> The two errors I get are:
> "programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid"
> and
> "programming error: No spring between column 1 and next one
> continuing, cross fingers"
> If I remove the strict-note-spacing = ##t assignment, everything works
> fine.
> Minimal code examples are included here, together with the LilyPond output.
> Any ideas how this can be fixed or how to go around it? Is this a bug?
> Many thanks,
> V!ctor Adan.
> PS Since this seems like a bug, I'm sending to the bug-lilypond mailing
> list too, just in case.
> %%%%%%%%%% CODE BEGINS %%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.11.64"
> \include "english.ly"
> \layout{
>    \context{ \Score
>       proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 34)
>       \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing =##t
>       %\override SpacingSpanner #'strict-grace-spacing = ##t
>       %\override SpacingSpanner #'uniform-stretching = ##t
>    }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE 1 (afterGrace) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>  {
>      \new Voice{
>      \time 1/4
>      c'4
>      \break
>      \afterGrace c'4 {g'64}
>      \break
>      c'4
>      \break
>      c'4
>      }
>  }
> % GNU LilyPond 2.11.64
> % Processing `test.ly'
> % Parsing...
> % Interpreting music...
> % Preprocessing graphical objects...
> % Finding the ideal number of pages...
> % Fitting music on 1 page...
> % Drawing systems...
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % programming error: bounds of spanner are invalid
> % Layout output to `test.ps'...
> % Converting to `./test.pdf'...
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXAMPLE 2 (grace) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>  {
>      \new Voice{
>      \time 1/4
>      c'4
>      \break
>      \grace{ g'64 }
>      c'4
>      \break
>      c'4
>      \break
>      c'4
>      }
>  }
> % GNU LilyPond 2.11.64
> % Processing `test.ly'
> % Parsing...
> % Interpreting music...
> % Preprocessing graphical objects...
> % programming error: No spring between column 1 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % programming error: No spring between column 2 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % programming error: No spring between column 2 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % programming error: No spring between column 2 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % programming error: No spring between column 1 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % Finding the ideal number of pages...
> % Fitting music on 1 page...
> % Drawing systems...
> % programming error: No spring between column 2 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % programming error: No spring between column 1 and next one
> % continuing, cross fingers
> % Layout output to `test.ps'...
> % Converting to `./test.pdf'...
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CODE ENDS 
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user>
Hi Víctor,

Wow: insane. That is absolutely a bug. Breaks on my end (2.11.57), too.

I fear, however, that this particular bug has probably been around since
inception. And it doesn't completely surprise me, either: up through
February (when I was finishing up the trio) 'weird things' would happen if I
had graces come at the beginning of a line; proportional notation was, of
course, turned on. I actually had to go back and strip out beginning-of-line
graces in the piece. The grace stripping wasn't too much of a loss for me
... but I'd be willing to be that you're going to be using graces next to
line breaks all over, aren't you?


Trevor Bača
bug-lilypond mailing list

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