Comment #6 on issue 884 by perpeduumimmobile: pageBreak resets page-count property

Thanks, Joe, works like a charm.
Is it reasonable to make page-count to automatically repeat the last item of the list as necessary to get the n+1 elements? I.e., specifying #'(3 1 2) and 5 \pageBreaks will automatically expand to #'(3 1 2 2 2)?

While I very much appreciate the possibility to give such a list, it'd still be nice to be able to use both a total (single-integer) page-count and forced breaks. On the other hand, I suspect it's hard (especially w.r.t. computation time) to automatically deduce the best integers in the list, summing up to a given page-count. I assume a penalty calculation is there, since that's already needed for the chunk breaking; but simply trying all possibilies of chunk sizes for total page-count of t and a number of forced breaks of m amounts to (t-1) choose m runs of the page-breaking algorithm... D'you think there's still a chance for it, e.g. using a heuristic of starting with an uniform distribution of the pages to the chunks, or counting measures / graphical elements as an estimate?

[ @Kieren: This seems to be the same idea you just proposed. I'm afraid it looks computationally hardly feasible to my eyes... ]

Another idea: how hard is it to allow nil values in the list, corresponding to chunks for which LilyPond is free to choose the optimal number of pages? (nil is also a good candidate for missing entries in the list, by the way.)

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