"Gilberto Agostinho" <gilbertohasn...@googlemail.com> wrote in message news:57161fa5.7000...@gmail.com...
Hello bug squad,

When using the accidental style dodecaphonic-no-repeat, the accidental of repeated notes aren't restated unless there is a bar line in between them. The problem I found is that when using a mid bar break (by using the command \bar "" \break in the middle of a bar), the accidental is not restated between repeated notes that happen to be around the break. See:

\version "2.19.37"

\relative c' {
  \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic-no-repeat
  cis d e cis | \break
  cis d e cis |

\relative c' {
  \accidentalStyle dodecaphonic-no-repeat
  \time 8/4
  cis d e cis \bar "" \break
  cis d e cis |

Producing: http://s17.postimg.org/f6s6k96zz/accidental.jpg


That seems perfectly correct. There is no bar line in your second example, so why should the accidental be restated?

Phil Holmes

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