On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Philip Guenther wrote:
> On 6/19/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, so you've defined a variable, 'bogo', whose value consists of
> two lines, the first of which has a '#' as its first non-whitespace
> character.  It isn't a comment at that point, it's just a line with a
> leading '#'.

i see. That makes perfect sense, actually. My intuition told me that 
comments are skipped at an earlier parsing phase (e.g., filtered out 
long before the 'define'd item is called), but obviously that's not the 

> (Then there are comments in the commands for rules, where if they're
> indented with a tab then make sees them as normal parts of the
> commands and passes them to the shell...which then will often ignore
> them based on *its* rules.)

The book "Managin Projects with GNU Make" demonstrates using that as an 
intesting test/debugging feature instead of using 'echo':


Thanks for the clarification!



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