On Wednesday 20 June 2007, Paul Smith wrote:
> the variable being defined.  In fact nothing is parsed inside a
> define.  I'm not sure, from your message, if this is what you feel is
> the surprising behavior; 

Right - that's what surprised me. i assumed that comments were skipped 
during the initial read-in of the makefile, regardless of their 
context. The behaviour does make sense once one learns that define is 
parsed as a literal. That also explains why i can't use if/endif inside 
a define.

> to me it seems exactly the way things should 
> work.  Think of a define as kind of like single-quoted strings in the
> shell: no special characters are evaluated.

Agreed - i hadn't considered defines to be literals.

Thanks again for the detailed explanation!


PS: it might interest some list readers to know that i recently forked a 
copy of O'Reilly's "Managing Projects with GNU Make" and am steadily 
updating it:


If anyone out there is interested in contributing to the book, please 
feel free to get in touch.


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