Follow-up Comment #3, bug #54727 (project make):

It also possible to step on this "foreach + eval" bug not in a recipe.

Please consider the next example:

# define global variable
f := g

# function for defining target-specific variables
# $1 - target
# $2 - variable
def_target_specific = $(foreach f,1,$(eval $1: $2:=$$f))

# calling in global context: M=1
$(call def_target_specific,target_X,M)

# calling in target-specific context: M=g
all: TMP := $(call def_target_specific,target_Y,M)

all: target_X target_Y
target_X target_Y:; $(info $@: M=$M)


target_X: M=1
target_Y: M=g

As we can see, the variable M has different values for target_X and target_Y,
which is not expected.

Outer foreach variables cannot be used inside the eval context, if the call
comes from a target-specific variable definition.


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