Follow-up Comment #10, bug #58979 (project make):

> No. It did not hang.

-n causes make to run only recursive commands. And the hang does not reproduce
with -n. Which makes us suspect all the other (not recursive) commands.

There are atleast the following debugging options.

Remove recipies one by one until the hang is gone.


1. Add logging to jobserver_setup to print the pipe fd.
2. Add a sleep in makefile at the very beginning to give you time to run
3. Run make and see which fds are allocated for the pipe.
4. Run auditctl to see all processes which open your pipe, write to your pipe,
read from your pipe.


1. Add logging to jobserver_setup to print the pipe fd.
2. Add a sleep in makefile at the very beginning.
3. Run make and see which pid it has.
4. See in /proc/<make pid>/fd/<pipefd> the pipe id. It'll look like
$ ls -l /proc/92678/fd/5
lr-x------ 1 dgoncharov who 64 Aug 25 17:46 /proc/92678/fd/5 ->
pipe:[97436149]. Notice pipe id. In this case 97436149.
5. Run lsof |grep <pipe id> repeately in a loop and redirect the output to a
file. It'll look like
$ lsof |grep -- '97436149 pipe'
make       92678     dgoncharov    5r     FIFO                0,8       0t0
97436149 pipe
sleep      92679     dgoncharov    1w     FIFO                0,8       0t0
97436149 pipe
sleep      92679     dgoncharov    5r     FIFO                0,8       0t0
97436149 pipe


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