Follow-up Comment #4, bug #60077 (project make):

I've had a bit more time and am uploading a patch with my latest version. 
Unfortunately I'm not sure when I'll be able to test it in production, but I
wanted to share sooner than later.

This one adds new automatic variables for grouped targets, both explicit and
pattern along with new grouped targets and variables test cases.

$(@<) Is the first specified target
$(@^) Is the list of targets in the order specified in the goal definition.
$(@<F), $(@<D), $(@^F), and $(@^D) are also implemented.

My implementation makes two changes to how the also_makes list is stored in
order to facilitate the automatic variables.
1 - The stored order now matches the order specified in the rule.
2 - also_makes for pattern rules didn't include the executing target.  This is
different than explicit grouped targets where all targets are included in the
list.  I have changed this so all targets are always stored in also_makes, but
I am concerned there may be side effects of this change.  I do not use pattern
rules enough to know, but it does pass the test suite.

(file #51432)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: 0001-SV60077-add-grouped-targets-automatic-variables.patch Size:11


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