Follow-up Comment #4, bug #60595 (project make):

Thanks for the description.  Here's a much simpler repro case:


m1.d: ; touch $@

m2.d: m1.d ; test -f $< || touch $@

include m2.d m1.d

If you run this makefile with:

rm -f m?.d && make

it will correctly restart make and print RESTARTS=1.

If you change the last line to reverse the order of include:

include m1.d m2.d

then it will not restart make and print RESTARTS=.

As a note when we do fix this problem the above makefile will fail on the
"include" line after the restart because the rule that says it built m2.d
actually didn't.  I assume in your real makefile you've accounted for this and
something does build the target makefile (or maybe you include it with


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