Follow-up Comment #7, bug #60595 (project make):

I agree that the following scenario should throw an error, if that's what you

- a makefile _should_ have been read in AND
- such makefile _could not_ be read in (e.g. does not exist) AND
- make has finished rebuilding all makefiles AND
- make has determined that it _does not need to re-exec_.

I don't understand why make doesn't do that today, as shown by your simple
repro case (and by my real makefile when "include" is in the wrong order).
Maybe it's a separate bug?

Just clear up on something: in my opinion fixing _this_ bug alone wouldn't
increase occurrences of this error, because it will only trigger more
re-execs, never fewer. I say this because in your line below I got the
impression that you meant that fixing this bug alone will automatically start
triggering the error:

> As a note when we do fix this problem the above makefile will fail on the
"include" line after the restart because the rule that says it built m2.d
actually didn't.


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