On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Friedrich Haubensak <h...@fli-leibniz.de>

> ahh, i observe the same on solaris 10, but did not yet investigate --
> the quicker way to solve this: just change the paths in config.status,
> let run config.status, and then compile :-)

I'm not a programmer, so bear with me.  I don't know what "paths" in
config.status you're talking about.  I don't see any paths pertaining to
openssl in there, except for the ones I already passed in via the flags
that aren't being honored.

In any case, I hope that Mac users don't have to perform manual surgery
between the "./configure" and the "make" steps.  The flag
--with-libssl-prefix ought to work out of the box.

Although the presence or absence of pkg-config on my system makes no
difference to the end result---either way, wget is linked against the
system openssl---it *does* affect some of the openssl-related output that
the configure script emits to the terminal.  When I'm back on the relevant
machine, I'll paste the output into an email if that's what the devs want.


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