On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 09:56:33AM -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> I used PERL5LIB to put teests/ on path for Perl. It looks like at
> least one Debian machine I have is back to the Socket::inet_ntoa
> problems.
> I'm calling it good.
> The Perl people need to fix Socket::inet_ntoa, and the Debian people
> need to make it available. I'm guessing Debian is the holdup. They
> will leave things broke rather than supplying an update. It is a waste
> of time to file a Debian bug report.
You can report your issues directly to Socket authors if you believe the issue
is not specific to Debian.

May I know what's your issue with Socket::inet_ntoa?

-- Petr

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