I've told Lee to test something for me.

I think the priority from match functions are being confused via
these (stupid) UMATCH_* variables, which are some weird disguise for
what is supposed to be a priority code.

In his upgraded case, ubm should win.  it returns

umsm does fewer tests, and returns UMATCH_VENDOR_IFACESUBCLASS which
is 6.

So with my change umsm wins.

I asked Lee to first test if_umb.c returning a higher value such as

On my backwards device, if_umb does not match at all, so umsm would

If I am right, that would satisfy both old and new devices; I think
umb_patch is already doing the correct "tests", but simply returning
the wrong value.

And if that helps, then I think all this should be reconsidered.

I *think* the idea behind this UMATCH_* variable naming is that the
match return value says "how many fields did I look at and how confident
am I", and that's what the naming comes from, but what I don't
understand is --- who cares how many fields you looked at, as far as
the subr_conf.c code is concerned this is ONLY a priority code not some
"what did I do" to decide thing.  And the priority value is going to
something more magical, it's not some direct mapping between "how much did
you look at".

However are a mess of relationships here with the many device need
"first kick me off umass", so we need to be somewhat careful to pick
at this problem from the correct end.

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