Hi Alexandre,

Thanks for getting back to me!

I followed your advice and did the following from a console on a few mp3 and 
wav files:

# aucat -i *.wav 
# mpg321 *.mp3
# cvlc *.wav/*.mp3

Unfortunately, to no avail. The stutter remains.

I also disabled wifi before trying this again. Again, no luck.

I double-checked my BIOS settings. Everything seems fine. I did notice "Intel 
AMT" is enabled, but as I got functional audio with NetBSD on this laptop when 
I tried it some time ago, I doubt this could be causing any trouble.

I also tried manipulating sound/volume using the Thinkpad buttons and these do 
not appear to be interfering with anything. The stutter remains.

This is a bit surprising as the X250 seems to "just work" for most people based 
on what I've seen online. So I'm assuming that it's a bug of some sort, unless 
I'm really overlooking something here.

I followed the OpenBSD "Multimedia FAQ" instructions in combination with your 
recommendation. The output seems to be conflicting as you'll see in the 
attachment (hope that helps!).  

Thanks again for your help.

Mon 10 May 2021, at 06:32, Alexandre Ratchov wrote :
> Hi,
> Try to figure out what causes the stuttering:
> - first, use simple players for testing (ex. aucat with .wav files, 
> ogg123, mpg321)
> - make sure microphone/recording/whatever is enabled in the BIOS
> - disable any BIOS options that could trigger CPU's "system management 
> mode"
> - possibly, try to disable wireless networking ("ifconfig down <ifname>)
> - possibly, try to not start X (login on the console and use 
> command-line player)
> If the problem persists, run:
>       audioctl; sleep 10; audioctl
> during audio stuttering, check (and report) if play.error counter increases

Attachment: audio.output
Description: Binary data

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