At 08:18 PM 06-03-2001 -0000, David Litchfield wrote:
>This affects Windows NT as well. I spoke of the exact same problem back in
>the December of 1998 (
>for the BID and
>for the details) whereby we could get to the "clean" interface via the
>"dirty" interface on MS Proxy II and from there to the rest of the

Does it really affect Windows NT?

I find if IP forwarding is on, then yes you can ping its
interface (this seems expected to me). But if it's off is not
accessible (just like in Windows 9x).

I tested this sometime last year with Linux 2.0.

Recently I found that Linux 2.2 seems to behave strangely - I couldn't
bring down the lo0 interface and ping a remote

Freebsd 4.2 and Linux 2.0 are indeed vulnerable to this multihome thingy.
In fact I did use this feature for a Linux 2.0 firewall - I used the IPs as

However it appears to me that it would be hard to exploit this from a host
more than one network away.


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