On 2018-03-29 00:15, mikhailo wrote:
Hi David,

  Thank you for reviewing the change. Please see my comments inline.

On 03/27/2018 07:23 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Misha,

For the benefit of the broader community these are very old tests related to the use of ligjsig, that were recently converted to be jtreg tests in preparation for open sourcing them. If there were to be written from scratch today I expect they would be in a somewhat different form, but the aim here is to open source them, not rewrite them.
Thank you for details about the background.

Also note that these tests would only fail by crashing (shouldn't happen) or "hanging". If the signal is not delivered then the test will wait for it until eventually being timed-out by jtreg.
On 28/03/2018 11:52 AM, Mikhailo Seledtsov wrote:
Please review: open sourcing vm signal tests.

     JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200126
     Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mseledtsov/8200126.00.open/

All of the signal tests should work everywhere except Windows, so I think the @requires should just exclude windows. In particular I would expect them to also run on AIX.
OK, will do.



I think you need to rebase your changes as the build logic for native tests has completely changed recently.
Thank you, I was not aware of that. I will ask the make experts on how to do this. Also, since I changed the make file, adding build-dev@openjdk.java.net
Yes, you seem to have based this off an old version of JtregNativeHotspot.gmk.

If you update the file I think you see how you should do it, but I'll give you some help:

ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)




I agree with Christian that we don't need a hotspot_signal group.

I'm also unclear why these tests are left to tier 4(?), though tier 3 seems fine given we have constraints on what we can jam into tiers 1 and 2.
I will remove the group, and add the signal test directory to tier3.



Can you please fix the typo in the name of the "sig_recieved" variable.
Will do.

Can you confirm that all the printf output actually appears in the jtreg test log please.
OK, I will check that.

         1. Linux-x64:
            make run-test TEST=hotspot_signal
            All tests PASS
         2. Multi-platform automated testing: Linux-x64, Win-x64, MAC
            hotspot_signal, hs-tier1, hs-tier2 - in progress

Must be tested on Solaris as well.
Will add Solaris for testing also.

Thank you,


Thank you,

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