Ed W wrote:
On 14/06/2011 13:19, Ralf Friedl wrote:
You wrote earlier that your modules.alias is 137KB. How many modules do
you have in that file? I have just 34kB for a full PC Linux.

Hmm, curious.  I only have a couple of modules, basically wireless
drivers and serial to usb drivers.  So a large fraction of my .alias
file is PCI matches for say ftdi_sio (lots and lots of matches...)

I just trimmed a few drivers I doubt I will ever use and cut the file
size a chunk - good idea.  However, surprised if I can get it anywhere
near 34KB - that alone could be done using just 1-3 wireless modules..?
Just for reference, I have 674 lines for 106 unique modules, but no wireless.

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