Hello all,

I'm with Sven-Göran, Harald, Cristian, et al.

I see the point of Harald that if the config file is implemented, then
someone will want it to be reloaded whitout quitting the daemon, and
what not! That's a lot of (byte)code!

Maybe Busybox could be shipped with an example init script for ntpd,
and other daemons that usually need it. (Laszlo, did you suggest this
in one of your last mails, where you posted a script + config file?)

Usually scripts in /etc/init.d use /etc/default/* as config values
(some distros, even using them as main config files). The scripts that
Laszlo posted fit that pattern.

I work with buildroot and never had a problem with ntpd and its lack
of config file. Anyways, in spite of no seeing benefit, I don't refuse
to implement it if it can be selected from KConfig...

Xabier Oneca_,,_
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