Hi Laszlo

First, please either write your message below the quotes, or omit the quotes. Especially don't quote parts that are not relevant to your message.

Laszlo Papp wrote:
At least three people expressed that it is about convenience, a useful
Well, all of them didn't provide a convincing argument. And most others on this list wonder why you make such a big deal about something that can be solved with a few lines in a shell script. If you want a configuration file only for the time servers, this script will give you compatibility to the ntp.org config file:
exec busybox ntpd $NTPD_OPTIONS $(sed -nre 's/^server *(.*)$/-p \1/g'/etc/ntp.conf )

Anyway, please comment on the init script that I posted earlier when
you get around to it, as well as the corresponding config file..
I'm not Harald, but I will comment on it anyway.
Short version:
It's a very nice script. Use it. Be very happy with it.

Long version:
I guess it fits into your distibution, but it's useless for most others. That was one of the points Harald made, you want things specific to your distibution in Busybox, where they don't belong. You could place it somewhere in the contrib directory, but it would probably be a waste of space and bandwidth. Most distributions come with a template for such a script, and it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to adapt such a template. You use start-stop-daemon. Why do you think everybody would even have the program, or want to use it? Your script has a reaload case, where you send SIGHUP. What should ntpd do on SIGHUP? Reload the config file? You said that reloading the config is not necessary when it was about code size, so why send SIGHUP?
Finally, the export in the configuration file is not necessary.

In one email in this thread someone suggested to make the configuration hardcoded as the compile time configuration. I just hope that was meant as a joke.

> Usually scripts in/etc/init.d use /etc/default/* as config values
> (some distros, even using them as main config files). The scripts that
> Laszlo posted fit that pattern.
Not quite; actually "/etc/default" is more like a Debian, et al,
pattern. OpenWrt will use something. Yocto uses something else, etc.
And for what it is worth, buildroot is also strange with
"/etc/default/ntpd" without any busybox indication.
Which again shows that distributions are different, so which distibution style should Busybox pick? It is up to the distribution to provide the right information to the program.

I would ask this question from myself if I were you: what do I gain or
lose with such a feature added or rejected? ...
That is a good question if maximizing the number of users is the top priority.

Also someone suggested that devices today have GHz CPUs and at least 512MB RAM. Well, maybe they are not the target audience of busybox. There are also devices with 16MB RAM and 4MB flash.

I do not follow. The busybox user is the distro and maintainer in this
case, really. The end user is not necessarily even aware of busybox,
I would really appreciate more respect here towards end users.
The end users have raised their opinion how they
would like to see your software behaving.
I hope you realize that you are contradicting yourself here, within a few lines of a single email.
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