Hi James !

> This is very close to what I'm doing now.  The two changes are:

   1) I boot into Debian so I switch_root into their /sbin/init
      and I use "telinit u" to get back pid 1.

If that work, fine. Not much difference, just use the init you like, the only question is how to shut down pid 1 in a resource saving way.

   2) I copy busybox et al. into the new root before switching
      so I don't need to unpack.

Nearly same if copying from your file system or from an archiv. Depends on your needs. I prefer to have a quick and simple unpack from a single file to get a working environment. Other info is then copied with a second cpio -p.

BTW: I wrote a space invaders game in busybox-shell, although I
cheated a little and wrote a tiny C program called getch that
gives me non-blocking input.  Maybe there is already a way to
do that built in.  If not, a getch applet might be very handy.

There are some neat stty/dd tricks and in addition the shell read has a timeout and a length option (never used the later). For the stty trick see the raw, min N and time N settings.

It is a small thing but it is all that is needed to write
truly interactive scripts with just busybox.  IMO it would
open the door to some really neat things.

Sure, some carefully designed interactive tools would open up whole new worlds of interactive programming with nothing more than a single binary and a few configuration files. That is, why I add in some own functionality on my self build BB versions :) ... depending on what I need, but those applets are not "upstream" compatible, so there inclusion into main stream BB tend to get blocked. Not my decision.


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