Am 23.03.2017 um 17:32 schrieb Ralf Friedl:

Busybox is often used in embedded devices, where kernels (and other software) are not changed that often. Firmware may contain kernel modules without full source, so a change to a newer kernel is not an option. As an example, I have a router with kernel 2.6.13. I can't update the kernel, but I can replace the busybox with a newer version (and much more applets) than the original.

So it would be nice to have support for older kernels. I understand that you may not want to have it enabled by default to keep the code small, but in this case the code to support the older kernels seems already present, so why not give the user an option to use it.

In my opinion it's completely legitimate to remove support for kernels, C libraries or compilers that are older than seven or eight years. It's not just about keeping (object) code small, but also about keeping (source) code small. However how about maintaining a (semi official) repository of some patches for special use cases like older kernels, compilers or additional features like my nicer looking fbsplash? The people over at xpra are doing so to be able to address some common combinations of compilers and video encoder libraries to escape the #ifdef of menuconfig hell.

BTW: You are sticking to an old Fritzbox 7270 since it "just works"? So I suggest I'll be calling Doris Haar or some development staff over at AVM for opening a bit more of the code than GPL requires?


Mattias Schlenker - Freier IT-Fachredakteur und -autor
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