Kang-Che Sung wrote:
>You have already been needing 4 lines of config options for dependencies
>(CAT & SLEEP & ECHO & SH) of a 3-line script applet (nologin).

nologin is actually an extreme case among the samples in applets_sh.
The others only require sed, though each does have a TODO suggesting
they could also use getopt.

If option parsing results in script applets beoming bloated it might be
possible to implement it in native code, with the list of options given
in the configuration.  But that's for the future.

>How can we guarantee that there would be no more
>dependency hell if more script applets are brought in to busybox?

We can guarantee it by not bringing in script applets that have an
unacceptable number of dependencies.  I suspect, though, that most will
have fairly modest requirements.

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