Am 14.11.19 um 23:33 schrieb Markus Gothe:

How do you think that fatso library aptly named librust would fit into any modest embedded system? Well it doesn't and you never thought of that in the first place which makes the rest of your assumptions more damaging than any good.
Busybox is INTENDED for embedded systems (and without any explanation bounds-checking should be optional etcetera). Feel free to fork it and create a rust variant; but it is all out of the scope of the current purpose.

Busybox' popularity is increasing among container folks where it is a building block allowing for small storage footprints and reduced complexity. A rustybox port could take off among the Rust community because it would allow containerizing Rust apps by building a complete container with a single toolchain (Rustybox, Rust app, some shell scripts).

I think, the busybox should embrace this as a chance to get attention from developers beyond embedded.


Mattias Schlenker

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