On 2/12/20 6:48 AM, Donovan Keohane wrote:
> My apologies on the coreutils misnomer, adduser is provided by package
> 'adduser'
> in the Debian repos at least. There is not a direct issue with the
> functional behavior of Busybox's adduser, it does properly skip the
> password prompt and create an account with a disabled password.
> The issue lies in the symbolic meaning of '!' versus '*'. While both are
> valid characters to create an impossible hash, '!' is used by 'passwd' to
> denote a locked account. I don't think accounts with a disabled password
> should be locked by default.

Again: my point is that this is imitating the default behavior of
useradd, with the addendum that it will prompt for a password during
account creation. Do you propose to change the default behavior of the
shadow project's useradd command too?

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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