Guess I will watch the video after all

ron  k5hm.

On Aug 11, 2016 12:38, "Scott Royall via BVARC" <> wrote:

> Well Bill, you might know if you were there. I’ve been through four FD ops
> powered by solid state generators, and the issues you list haven't been a
> measurable factor. That’s not to say these things will never matter, but
> experience tells me even eight 100-watt rigs going on one such generator
> hasn't created these problems to a noticeable extent. I suspect you may
> have forgotten how many other things seem to go out of their way to
> compromise radio operations.
> Incidentally, I routinely operate my 600-watt station off my 3500-watt
> generator to keep the generator in condition. No issues, but I don't wear
> headphones either.
> *From:* BVARC [] *On Behalf Of *Bill
> Crowell, N4HPG via BVARC
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 11, 2016 14:02
> *Cc:* Bill Crowell, N4HPG <>
> *Subject:* Re: [BVARC] Interesting take on FD generators
> Hi Scott,
> I fail to see how my attendance or lack thereof is relevant to an
> engineering analysis of generator technology.
> I’ve been the alternate-energy guy for the club back in NC.
> What I’m discussing is extremely relevant. If you have power that you
> can’t use, you’re screwed. If the RFI from the generator swamps your radio,
> you’re screwed. If your radio shuts down the generator’s control circuitry,
> you’re screwed.
> As for “big brother” - I would assume that this is not an
> inverter-generator and thus your point is wanting.
> The topic at hand was the engineering suitability of INVERTER generators
> to our uses and my responses and comments were going directly to that point.
> 73
> On Aug 11, 2016, at 1:38 PM, Scott Royall via BVARC <>
> wrote:
> Ah, Bill, did you participate with BVARC in this year's FD? How many rigs
> did we hang off the big brother to one of these generators? FD ops are
> inherently compromised by factors greater than what you're discussing so…
> *From:* BVARC [ <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Bill Crowell, N4HPG via BVARC
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 11, 2016 12:58
> *Cc:* Bill Crowell, N4HPG <>
> *Subject:* Re: [BVARC] Interesting take on FD generators
> This was very interesting. My takeaways:
> 1. The RF noise is still bothersome, even at S1. I’d hate to pipe that
> into my headphones for 8 hours.
> 2. The dynamic load is an issue that prevents good fuel economy when
> running in normal mode. This negates the economy mode.
> 3. They did NOT test the effects of RF on the control circuitry when we’re
> transmitting. With that 100’ drop cord, we have to ensure that various RF
> sources don’t destabilize the CPU in the generator.
> For our purposes, a properly sized, standard generator would be better for
> these reasons:
> 1. Sinewave output from the alternator - the shaft speed is 3600rpm.
> 2. Toleration of dynamic loads.
> 3. Immunity from RF from our transmitters.
> Of course, this comes with more weight and lower fuel economy.
> ***
> To deal with the inverter/generator, I would recommend:
> 1. A ferro-resonant isolation transformer to deal with cleaning up the
> power and mitigating RFI in both directions.
> 2. A battery or large capacitor in the 12V leads to the radio for dynamic
> loading.
> 3. Something like an Astron PSU - because they’re more rugged.
> Still a big price to pay for some fuel efficiency.
> My conclusion is that these units are excellent for static loads like
> lights and air conditioners and other RV type uses. We need to be very
> careful when using radios with them.
> B
> On Aug 11, 2016, at 3:35 AM, Jon Noxon via BVARC <> wrote:
> From the Elecraft reflector:
> Enjoy,
> Jon KF5TFJ
> _______________________________________________
> BVARC mailing list
> Bill Crowell, N4HPG
> Pearland, TX
> I prefer to live a life of galvanic isolation.
> _______________________________________________
> BVARC mailing list
> Bill Crowell, N4HPG
> Pearland, TX
> I prefer to live a life of galvanic isolation.
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