Hope someone on the VHF repeater, my FT-840 hasn't been out of the box since October 2014 since move to Deer Park.


ke5apj  Howard Bingham in Deer Park.


On 6/21/2019 10:38 PM, Mike Hardwick via BVARC wrote:

Well so far the set-up has gone well with only a few hiccups. Most of the antennas have been installed in their respective locations. Final installation of the digital antennas and tweaking of the CW and SSB antennas will be done Saturday morning. I have attached a picture of how the antennas looked just before I left for the evening. It is a really great picture seeing the antennas in the air with a sun set as a back drop.

Thanks to Bill Cordell, the CW room is just right on the temperature – really cold! I don’t think there will be any complaints about the conditions in the CW room this year other than – “ can someone turn up the thermostat, Its freezing in here!”. The SSB room will also have supplement air conditioning as well so  this year should be the coolest operators yet (really bad, isn’t it)!

The GOTA station antenna is up as well as a beverage antenna. I did not found out who put up the beverage antenna but it is a really big one. I will have to find out and let everyone know tomorrow.

Last but not least, the culinary expertise of Daphne, Kelli and Anita were brought together Friday night. They had custom made sandwiches with chips and a choice of lemon pound cake or chocolate cookies. With personal service they have brought the meal service up several notches. The culinary team will be making home made breakfast tacos in the morning. They will be served in the “CW Bistro” from 8am to 10 am. The team will then have lunch from noon to 2 pm also being served in the CW Bistro. Then don’t forget Saturday night’s dinner from 5 pm to 7 pm. With BBQ brisket and sausage from Rudy’s, the evening meal will make sure no one goes home hungry.

Hope to see everyone at Duhascek Park on Saturday.




D. Howard Bingham   *Email: ke5...@earthlink.net
2722 Wisdom Drive   *Email: howa...@hal-pc.org
Deer Park, Texas    *Email: binghamdav...@gmail.com
Supporting Passenger Rail in Texas - www.TEXARP.org

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