If you're a Windows user I highly recommend G4FON to learn to copy.  Listen at 
20wpm with 5wpm spacing is the most frequent recommendation I read and what I 
recently did.
For Android phones or tablets, there's an app in the Play Store called Morse 
Code - Tutorial, Training, Tools by IllusoryTapirus that plays like a game and 
simultaneously teaches listening and sending individual characters and towards 
the end, words.  IZ2UUF Morse Koch CW is the most similar to G4FON.
Good luck and 73.
    On Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 08:09:42 PM CDT, Elizabeth White via BVARC 
<bvarc@bvarc.org> wrote:  


My dad was SK K5LBU/Frosty. Anyhow, my son Charlie is in BSA Troop 1424 here in 
Missouri City. He and some of the other Scouts are working on the Merit Badge 
Signs, Signals, and Code. Part of the MB requires learning about Morse code and 
sending/receiving code. 


Do the following:
   - Describe what Morse code is and the various means by which it can be sent. 
Spell your first name using Morse code. Send or receive a message of six to 10 
words using Morse code.

I am woefully inadequate with Morse. I do have my license (KA2UCA) but don’t 
use it.  I know there are apps for learning Morse code. Is there one that is 
better than the other? Our next MB class meeting is sometime in June via Zoom 
for now. Anyone interested in Elmering about 4 boys about old school Morse 

Let me know! Thanks a bunch. 

 Yours in Scouting,


Elizabeth J White

BSA Troop 1424

Assistant Scout Master

Service Project Committee Chair

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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