That antenna is effectively a 17-foot end fed wire.  You will need a tuner
to make it work well.  That being said, I have transmitted and received
signals to and from all over the world on marine band SSB and SailMail
using that exact setup.  One of the reasons that these are as effective as
they are on sailboats is because the ocean is the best ground plane
possible.  If I were running that on my RV, my first kick at the cat would
be to hard mount an Alpha Delta lightning arrestor to the frame of the RV,
run the feed point of the antenna to it, immediately from the lightning
arrestor to the ATU, and then run the coax and the control for the ATU to
the radio.  It won't be great on 40, 60, and 80, but it will work. The
EntireWeb tells me they sell an upgrade kit for 40m and 80, but I wouldn't
do that, I would simply kitbash a couple of wires off the bottom of the
element at a down angle, and stake them out so that you have a 30-degree
angle off of the vertical on each wire.  I would start them out at 17 feet
apiece, and shorten them for tuning.  Also on 80M, you need to realize that
in an RV park you are going to most likely be heard on every internal sound
system speaker in your neighbour's RV (and yours as well).  A couple of
clip-on toroids on the feed wire to the speakers will fix that, so you
might want to pick up a bunch on eBay in case it becomes an issue.  I would
ground the ATU to the point the Alpha Delta is mounted to the frame.  Also,
not sure if the rig has an internal tuner, but if so, don't forget to turn
it off and leave it off.

My $0.02,


On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 10:34 AM Jeff Thomas via BVARC <>

> All,
> Looking for some antenna advice.   The antenna is a HF-360 with a 6:1 UNUN
> connected to a Yaesu FT-991A.   The mast is insulated from the RV.
> I also have a FT-40 coming as suggested by Yaesu but not sure if it's
> needed yet.
> For radio purposes do I need to ground the mast/antenna with a ground
> rod?  (I am planning to do this for anyway for lightning protection, just
> looking for some validation)
> Should I ground the coax here as well?
> Thanks for the advice!
>       Jeff / KI5RPL
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