
Wow, nice set up, but of course, a few questions and comments....

Is there any way to get the base (feed point) of the antenna portion above
the top of the RV?

Do you find that the 991 matches the antenna on all the bands it is
purported to work on?  Probably not, cause it shouldn't on any band.

This antenna is a classic marine type installation that is made to work in
conjunction with an antenna coupler, right at the antenna feed point.  The
system -- coupler and antenna is very dependent on some type of
ground/counterpoise.  These extra wires should be run out of the coupler's
ground stub.  But before I dive off into telling you intimate details as to
how it all should be hooked up, I encourage you to give yourself a bit of
an education

SGC -- the mobile antenna system folks have a few technical articles and
pamphlets that I encourage you to read.

Go to on Publications and then near the bottom of the
list  HF USER Guide

Also,     tuner versus coupler

Plus there are a crap load of white papers all about mobile/portable HF
installations.  You'll be reading for weeks. HI HI

There are a plethora of ways to make this system work and work well, but it
entails adding counterpoises/radials/top loading wires, etc.
I know you can get this down to a minimal deployment set up, so you are not
having to reinvent the wheel each time you park your RV.  It just takes
knowledge and time to fine tune it to your requirement.

Best of luck and I am available to discuss things further, if you see a

73...Rick -- W5RH

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 10:34 AM Jeff Thomas via BVARC <>

> All,
> Looking for some antenna advice.   The antenna is a HF-360 with a 6:1 UNUN
> connected to a Yaesu FT-991A.   The mast is insulated from the RV.
> I also have a FT-40 coming as suggested by Yaesu but not sure if it's
> needed yet.
> For radio purposes do I need to ground the mast/antenna with a ground
> rod?  (I am planning to do this for anyway for lightning protection, just
> looking for some validation)
> Should I ground the coax here as well?
> Thanks for the advice!
>       Jeff / KI5RPL
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Rick Hiller
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