On Mon, 6 Oct 2003, Harondel J. Sibble wrote:
> # mailutil copy -verbose sentold "#driver.mbx/sentnew"
> Can't open mailbox sentold: no such mailbox
> # ls -la sentold
> -rw-------   1 username groupname    108783116 Oct  6 09:39 sentold

mailutil does not operate on the connected directory; it operates on the
mail home directory (which, unless you've set it elsewhere, would be the
user's UNIX home directory).  Try specifying a fully-qualified path, or at
least a path from the home directory.

If you are running this as root, try becoming the target user instead.
Strange things happen when you run these tools as root.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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