You didn't say before that you wanted "without manual human intervention."

One might have read that into my characterization of this as a "bulk transfer". But no matter. I hereby clearly and explicitly state that I want to perform this transfer "without manual intervention".

The whole issue is that there is no well-defined means to copy mailboxes from "dual-use" mail stores to regular mail stores.

For each folder "foo" with both messages and subfolders, move messages into a new "foo/general" subfolder. That's a well-defined conversion. It's not the only possible conversion, but I'm flexible. If anyone on this list has an existing homogenization tool or combined homogenize-during-transfer tool that uses some other reasonable conversion strategy, I'd be happy to hear about it.

[What if "foo/general" already exists? Then try "foo/general.1", "foo/general.2", etc. Or abort with an error. As I say, I'm flexible. Any reasonable scheme will probably suffice.]

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