> >>>There is a bug in perl5.6.0 with UV's that are >= 1<<31. This will
> >>>show up as tests 8 and 9 of dualvar.t failing
> >>
> >>So, I guess that's consistently going to be a problem with perl5.6.0
> >
> >
> > Hmmm... IMO if it's a known bug and unsolvable, those two tests should
> > be skipped on 5.6.0 - they shouldn't come up as failures.
> Unless it means that it's impossible to run Scalar::Utils::whatever
> under 5.6.0, right?

Right.  But in this particular case I think it's just one tiny part of
Scalar::Utils that won't work.  Scalar::Utils includes a whole grab-bag
of features, and most authors probably only use one or two.

I would bet that the most common use of Scalar::Utils is to create and
manage weak references.  That's what CAP::AnyTemplate and
CAP::Config::Context use it for, anyway.  I don't think this failure
looks to be related.

Looking at the RT queue for Scalar-List-Utils, it appears that this
issue has come up before and Graham Barr has been very firm that he
doesn't want to skip failing tests and mask a bug in perl 5.6.0.


Michael Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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