Joshua Benner wrote:

> As far as having multiple java installations, do some reading about the
> "alternatives" system -- perhaps start with 'man alternatives'

The "alternatives" is a feature of Debian-derivative distros so will not
appear in Fedora.

 > Right now I develop on Ubuntu 7.02 with Eclipse + PDT (I'm a big Fedora
> fan, but seriously -- if you want easy and nice, try Ubuntu).

Horses for courses. Some distros definately do not reward using
out-of-repository software, 

> It's nice using Linux because of all the debugging functionality it
> gives me

And scripatability. For example, I have a simple script here that locates
the nearest Cake app, finds an unused port and starts a webserver pointed
at it. Also, my concept of updating my sites involve running "make
release" only. No faffing with FTP for me, please - I left that behind in


 Chris Lamb, Leamington Spa, UK                          GPG: 0x634F9A20

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