Hi All,

I'm building a CakePHP app for tracking clinic patients, their visits,
their symptoms and questionnaire answers. The barrier I've encountered
is that each patient has many visits AND many symptoms. I want to view
the patient record and their aggregate visits and symptoms.

I've defined a hasMany relationship in the patient model as such:

var $hasMany = array(
        'Visit' => array(
            'order'    => 'Visit.id DESC',
            'limit'        => '10'
        'M5Symptom' => array(
                'className' => 'M5Symptom',
                'order' => 'M5Symptom.modified DESC',
                'limit' => '25'

In the patient view I get the relevant patient data, and the
corresponding list of visits, but I get the message, "Undefined
index:  M5Symptom" for listing the symptoms. As far as I can tell the
model is correct, because the query for the patient view finds and
retrieves a list of 25 symptom records exactly as specified in the
model. From that I take that the model and controller must be working
as expected. Otherwise the query wouldn't be right and/or it wouldn't
retrieve the pertinent records. The query that results is EXACTLY what
I want.

That leads me to believe the problem must be in the view.

Here's the view function in the patient controller:

function view($id = null) {

                $this->Patient->id = $id;
                $this->set('patient', $this->Patient->read());


Everything works right up until I try to list the symptoms. Here's the
code for listing symptoms in the view:

echo $html->tableHeaders(array('Symptom','Start Date','End Date',

foreach ($patient['M5Symptom'] as $symptom) {

        echo $html->tableCells(



I've looked at all of this over and over and I just can't find out why
'M5Symptom' is undefined. Just above this, 'Visit' lists recent visit
dates for me with the exact same logic in place.

Am I wrong in assuming I can define more than one hasMany? If so, why
is the correct query generated? I'm hoping another set of eyes will
find what I'm missing. Sleeping on it didn't help.

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