You could use beforeSave

On Jul 10, 9:30 am, CrazyDave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been wanting to include some extra functionality in a model but
> wanted to know the best CakePHP way of going about things.
> For example we've got controllers and components, then views and
> helpers.
> I want my model to "behave" as normal but say use something like a
> helper to process the text before saving / validation.  I did think
> about processing certain content in the model with Geshi but could see
> no easy way of doing so with adding it in all the models required or
> the appmodel.
> Should behaviours be used for this sort of thing?  As it doesn't quite
> seem right to me at the moment.
> Thanks for any help,
> Dave
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