> On Mar 29, 2018, at 2:53 AM, Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 29 Mar, 2018, at 3:26 am, Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A finicky bit would be who to penalize when the underlying medium
>> (shared cable) is oversubscribed.
> Two obvious reasonable solutions: share equally per subscriber, or share 
> proportionately to provisioned bandwidth per subscriber.  Either should be 
> fairly straightforward to implement in an integrated qdisc, and either would 
> penalise the (instantaneously) heaviest users before affecting normal or 
> light users.

As one use case, FreeNet Liberec, the co-operative ISP I use, would use the 
“shared equally” option. The important part for them is that some members 
access from a single CPE device and others from multiple devices whose IPs are 
handed out by FreeNet’s routers. There’s a db with mappings from member ID to 
their MACs, I believe, which is used to generate various config files. So this 
mapping from member (subscriber) to their MACs or IPs would need to be 
configurable somewhere, which was already eluded to earlier.

Personally, I like the idea of _only_ offering equal sharing, as it’s easiest 
to implement and serves a social purpose.
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