Hi All, 

After many years dancing, I decided to start calling
and recently completed Lisa Greenleaf's course at
Pinewoods, which was great-stupendous.

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have
shared of your experience and knowledge on this and
other sites so freely- your generosity is amazing and
is of great assistance.

As I begin to build a repertoire, I'm faced with how
to develop dance cards that work for me, and recording
systems for previous dance programs, event planning
aids etc.

Lisa shared what works for her, and I'd like to know
what systems works for other folks, it seems that each
person has found their own sorting/grouping structure
and recording systems-ie: grouping dances by
difficulty or prominant dance feature.  I'd appreciate
feedback so I can choose among a range of
possibilities that might fit me best.

Thanks very much,   Will Walton

I can also be reached at: mainesail113 atyahoodotcom

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