I use the color card system, also, and am contemplating having a digital
On the back of my cards, I note each time I call a dance so that as I'm
planning a program, I can just flip the card over and see whether I called
that same dance at that same venue last time I was there (keeps me from
using only the favorites over and over!!!)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: callers-boun...@sharedweight.net
> [mailto:callers-boun...@sharedweight.net]On Behalf Of William Watson
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 2:46 PM
> To: Caller's discussion list
> Subject: Re: [Callers] New Caller Assistance
> Will,
> When I started calling, I wrote out dances by hand on 3x5 cards.  I use
> ruled white cards for "regular" contra dances, and colored cards
> for dances
> in different formations (mixers, four-face-four dances, whole-set dances,
> community dances, and so forth).  I've toyed on occasion with marking the
> EDGES of the cards with colors to indicate difficulty, presence
> of specific
> features (heys, contra corners, etc), but have never found those of
> consistent use.
> I regret not having my entire collection typed in, whether in a regular
> document format, into a database, or some other form.  I have enough cards
> that sitting down to do it now would take considerable effort.  Also, I
> waffle over the format that I should use.  In the mean time, as I add
> dances, the problem only gets worse.
> As a stop-gap measure, whenever I plan out a complete program in
> advance, I
> type up the dances I plan to use, and cut & paste individual dances into a
> text file.  This gives me incrementally a file of dances that I actually
> call, the core of my collection.  In this text file I also copy
> any thoughts
> I provide to the bands for music for the dances.
> One advantage of having a stack of cards versus a database is that I can
> rummage through a stack of cards, setting out ones that seem
> appropriate for
> an upcoming dance, sorting through those, etc.  I can describe my process
> for planning a dance evening at greater length, if you're interested.
> For the actual cards, I write them out by hand, with one line for every 8
> beats of time, noting A1, A2, B1, B2 on the apporpriate alternate
> lines.  I
> use full words, written in upper and lower case, for maximum readability.
> Thus I don't need to translate from "N B&S" to "Neighbor Balance
> and Swing",
> as it's written out.  Of course I don't read from the cards to
> walk through
> or call a dance -- the process of planning an evening pretty much drives
> into my head the specifics of the dances I plan to use.  Thus,
> the words on
> the cards are the specifics of the figures, but not the words I use for a
> walk-though, or the specific words I use when calling.
> I use a three-ring binder to keep track of dance evenings that
> I've called,
> one to a sheet, with a summary listing at the front.  Thus, I can look to
> see how long it's been since I called the dance at Coos Bay, for example,
> and what dances I called there then.  This can be handy ito find sets of
> dances that worked well in one place and seem like they'd be useful for an
> upcoming dance.  I make notes on each sheet of points I learned,
> rediscovered, or discovered as the result of an experiment in the
> course of
> calling that evening.  Writing something down helps me remember
> it the next
> time, even if I don't go back and review the notes I made.
> There are a couple of database programs set up for callers of contra
> dances.  Colin Hume has one available as shareware on his website (
> http://colinhume.com/download.htm), and has recently released a second
> edition.  It looks to have many features.  He'd like $80 if you find the
> program useful.  I also know that someone in the Northeast US pulled
> together a database program in perhaps 1999 or 2000 and contacted me for
> permission to include a dance of mine, but I have no memory of
> who it was or
> what happened to the program.  I think she worked with a programmer, and
> hoped to sell the package.
> Please speak up if you'd like to know more.
> Good luck, and HAVE FUN!
> William
> On 9/29/06, Will <mainesail...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm faced with how to develop dance cards that work for me, and
> recording
> > systems for previous dance programs, event planning aids etc.
> >
> > I'd like to know what systems works for other folks. It seems that each
> > person has found their own sorting/grouping structure and recording
> > systems-ie: grouping dances by difficulty or prominant dance
> feature.  I'd
> > appreciate feedback so I can choose among a range of possibilities that
> > might fit me best.
> >
> --
> wjw1...@gmail.com
> William J. Watson
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