Richard Mckeever wrote:
> I like Susan Kevra's 'Trip to Phane' reel - but it seems to get
> called more around Thanksgiving - maybe it is ready for a second
> holiday.

Dorcas Hand wrote:
> Gosh - I thought it was the Tryptophan Reel, after the amino acid
> found in quantity in Turkey, which is why it is called at
> Thanksgiving.

Total speculation, but this sounds like it's related to pinewoods
bathrooms.  Many (all?) of the bathrooms are named after "trip to"
dances with the "trip to" left off: "tunbridege", "kilburn", etc.  My
guess is someone named one of the bathrooms off the kitchen "phane" [1]
as a pun, and then someone wrote a dance to match.  Or the bathroom
could be named after the dance.


 [1] The name is unfortunate: it needs a sign saying "this is a bathroom,
     not a phonebooth" that it wouldn't need if it were further from "phone"

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