Homophobia should not be an issue callers have to address directly.  For
the record, I should state that for me, personally, homophobia has NEVER
been an issue.  In fact, many of my closest friends are homophobic.


- Greg McKenzie


On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Dave Casserly

> Jeff said:
> I'm confused: where did "hate crimes" come into this?  As far as I can
> tell the disagreement is over:
> 1. Do many male dancers prefer not to interact in semi-intimate ways?
> 2. Is that mainly because of homophobia?
> 3. If so, should the caller ignore this dancer preference when programming?
> Dave seems to accept all three.  I think (1) and (2) are true, but I'm
> not sure (3) works.  I read John and Colin as accepting (1), and
> rejecting (2) and (3).
> Jeff
> I think Jeff's summary is a good one.  Except, I'd point out that we're
> talking only about same-gender swings here, not preference of who you
> choose to dance with as your partner.
> I'm not sure this discussion is a great place to explore why some of us
> (myself, apparently Jeff and Maia, at least) think (2) is a resounding
> "yes," and others (Colin, John, Mac) disagree.  Not sure that really has a
> whole lot to do with dancing or calling.  The reason I brought the subject
> up in the first place was to get at what Jeff describes as (3), which is
> really a calling issue.  I believe that there are certain things that a
> caller should not let influence his or her calling, and homophobia is one
> of them, whether that's the dancers' homophobia or others'.  But since we
> don't agree on what constitutes homophobia, this does not seem to be the
> right context to have a productive discussion of to what extent callers
> should attempt to reflect the dancers' values in their calling.
> -Dave
> --
> David Casserly
> (cell) 781 258-2761
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