Moonblot Reel  /  Becket

A1:  Down 4 in Line; turn as cpls, return
A2:  L chain across; LL F&B
B1:  Circle L; Sw N
B2:  Circle L 3/4; Sw P

Alt A2:  L chain across; LL DVD

[A folk-processed version of Bluemont Reel]


Sent from my Maxwell Smart Phone

> On Jun 29, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Linda Leslie via Callers 
> <> wrote:
> Here are few for you to consider, Kalia. Hope you and the new callers have a 
> lot of fun!
> warmly, Linda
>> On Jun 29, 2017, at 5:58 PM, Kalia Kliban via Callers 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm re-vamping my list of simple contra dances for new callers, and am in 
>> search of a very particular sort of becket dance.  The list is one of my 
>> hand-outs for callers' classes at camps, so the folks who'll be using it are 
>> likely to be nervous, brand-new callers.  To that end, I'm looking for 
>> sturdy, hard-to-break, low-piece-count dances.  In a perfect world they'd be 
>> composed of simpler glossary figures.
>> I already have a fair collection of simple dances to choose from, but would 
>> like to include one more becket dance (I have Tica Tica Timing already on 
>> the list).  This perfect becket that I'm looking for should _not_ start with 
>> circle L 3/4, and should not contain petronella twirls.  Bonus points if it 
>> doesn't have a whole hey, since I've already got a couple of whole hey 
>> dances in the list.
>> I look forward to hearing what you can recommend.
>> Many thanks,
>> Kalia Kliban
> A1 Reel
> by Chris Weiler
> Contra/Becket-CCW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> (8) Circle Left 3/4
> (4) Balance the Ring
> California Twirl
> A2 -----------
> New (16) Neighbor balance and swing
> B1 -----------
> (8) Half Right and left through
> (8) Women allemande Right 1-1/2
> B2 -----------
> (16) Partner balance and swing
> Boys from Urbana
> by John Coffman
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> (8) Circle Left 3/4
> Zig left Zag right
> New gents alle left 1/2
> A2 -----------
> (16) Neighbor balance and swing
> B1 -----------
> (8) Long lines, forward and back
> (8) Women allemande Right 1-1/2
> B2 -----------
> (16) Partner balance and swing
> Classical Contra
> by Peter Campbell & Lisa Greenleaf
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> Circle left three-quarters, pass through
> New neighbor do si do
> A2 -----------
> Same neighbor Balance and Swing
> B1 -----------
> Long lines forward and back
> ladies do si do once and a half    (or allemande right)
> B2 -----------
> Partner Balance and Swing
> Equal Turn, The
> by Tom Hinds
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy-Int
> A1 -----------
> Gents Allemande left once and a half
> Neighbor swing
> A2 -----------
> R & L through
> Ladies chain
> B1 -----------
> Circle Left three-quarters,
> pass through up and down
> New ladies allemande left once and a half**
> B2 -----------
> Partner Balance and Swing
> Midwest Folklore
> by Orace Johnson
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> Circle left three-quarters
> Neighbor do si do
> A2 -----------
> Neighbor Balance and Swing
> B1 -----------
> Circle left three-quarters
> Partner Do si do
> B2 -----------
> Partner Balance and Swing
>      (look left and slide left to a new couple)
> Trip to Falmouth
> by Linda Leslie
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> Circle left three-quarters
> This neighbor do si do once and a quarter (form a wave)
> A2 -----------
> Wave Balance, walk forward  and new neighbor swing
> B1 -----------
> Long lines forward and back
> ladies R dance around  once and a half
> B2 -----------
> Partner Balance and Swing
> Serenity & Grace
> by Linda Leslie
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> Long lines forward and back
> Circle Left three-quarters
> Pass through up and down
> A2 -----------
> Next Neighbor Balance & Swing (do si do works better)
> B1 -----------
> Gents allemande left once and a half
> (face partner)
> 1/2 hey
> B2 -----------
> Partner Balance & Swing
> Wingnut Whirl
> by Allan Brozek
> Contra/Becket-CW/Easy
> A1 -----------
> (8) Down the hall, four in line (turn as couples)
> (8) Return and Bend the line
> A2 -----------
> (8) Circle Left 3/4 and pass through along the set
> (8) Next Neighbor swing
> B1 -----------
> (8) Men allemande Left 1-1/2
> Scoop up partner and star promenade half-way
> B2 -----------
> (8) Women Do-si-do
> (8) Partner swing
> _______________________________________________
> Callers mailing list

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