On Monday 31 August 2015 12:50:12 Dmitry Kazakov wrote:
> > The repo size is one reason I'm actually considering to drop all
> > history. Create a fresh new repo with cleaned-up code only and start
> > again from commit 0. I know we check history a lot, but that history is
> > the history of Krita up to Krita 2.9.x, which is in the calligra repo.
> This will make our life really hard

I agree, I don't think this is a really good idea. I think splitting out the 
test data in a different optional repository would help shrink the repository.

Also, we don't need to cutout the history, people who don't want the history 
can do:

git clone --depth 1 --branch master kde:krita

And they will get a fully functionnal tree, with only the master branch, that 
they can update with pull and provide patches. While leaving the rest of us 
with a full history.

If I do that with calligra, my .git goes from 789MB to 209MB.

Cyrille Berger Skott
calligra-devel mailing list

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