ngraham added a comment.

  I'm always in favor of moving shared content into frameworks, but just to be 
a miserable contrarian here (so feel free to ignore me), is the size of a git 
repo really an impediment to new contributors? In my experience, the opposite 
is true, that the more git repos one needs to check out to be productive, the 
more opportunities there are for failures due to missing dependencies, code 
compiled out of order, etc. I mean, with a huge repo, you just clone it once 
and it's done. If it takes 30 seconds or a minute or two, is that really a big 


To: ngraham
Cc: ngraham, ognarb, Calligra-Devel-list, #calligra:_3.0, leinir, 
davidllewellynjones, dcaliste, cochise, vandenoever

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