danders added a comment.

  I think where leinir has landed is more doable than a frameworks.
  Also if compiletime is a big hurdle, I see a couple of things that can be 
  - Remove pigment, see T5738 <https://phabricator.kde.org/T5738>.
  - Make more finegrained productsets. Pt the only thing you can control (if I 
haven't missed anything) is which apps to build.
  E.g. if you want to work on the innards of words for gemini, you select 
gemini and get words, sheets and stage. In addition you get almost all plugins 
and all relevant filters. Probably *some* plugins are necessary but you should 
be able to do without most plugins and no filters at all.
  Another problem is how new users find out how to use productsets. A front-end 
would have been nice, but a bit of documantation should go a long way.


To: danders
Cc: danders, davidllewellynjones, ndavis, jtamate, rempt, anthonyfieroni, 
dcaliste, boemann, pino, rjvbb, ngraham, ognarb, Calligra-Devel-list, 
#calligra:_3.0, leinir, cochise, vandenoever

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