>There is a product called Armour Etch that is for
>etching glass for artistic type stuff. My fiance uses
>it to put flower designs on wine glasses. She made a
>2 1/4 square piece for me for a project and it worked
>fine. On bigger glass (4x5 8x10 etc..) it may not give
>the results you desire, but that depends on your
>expectations. I have not tried big pieces.IT IS SUPER
>EASY TO USE. Clean the glass, brush it on, wait, wash
>it off. Done. She peeled of the price tag but I think
>12 oz. was about $15.00
>                           Matt
>Armour Etch    product #15-0200
>Armour Products
>Wyckoff, NJ

Yes, that's what Sandy King and I have found, and I am sure he posted 
a message about it awhile back - we had great success making 11x14" 
as well as 12"x20" groundglass that way.  It's sizes like these that 
makes making your own worthwhile.

We've also found that applying the etch a couple of times will give 
more smooth and more even results.

Sam Wang

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