On Sat, 28 Jul 2001 12:30:00 -0400 "Bradley Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi y'all --
> All that said I have been considering building such an animal 
> because of the current abundance of very inexpensive (free?) flash 
> tubes available in throw-away cameras. 
> Is anyone familiar enough with them to point me in the right 
> direction so I don't electrocute myself or burn down the house :)
> -- Bradley

Simple, get as many as you wish to use in you light assembly, use one D
cell battery for each flash unit, (keeping it simple), and order from
Radio Shack a device called a LASCR. This means Light Activated Silicon
Controlled Switch. Place this device across the trigger contacts of each
flash unit. One will be required for each unit. What you have just
created is a slave flash unit. They all will respond to your trigger
flash mounted on or to your camera, when you push the shutter all the
flashes will fire.

Contact me off list if you still need more details.

Tony Ascrizzi  - Electric Vehicle Systems
34 Paine St.
Worcester, MA 01605  (508) 799-5650
Web Page -->http://ElectricVehicleSystems.com
President -->New England Electric Auto Association    
Cameramakers mailing list

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