Look at Surplus Shed for military lenses.  I would look for something with 
larger aperture (not a Metrogon) and normal viewing angle.

You might also look for projection lenses of the kind used for opaque 
projectors (I doubt anyone makes these anymore and probably few persons 
still use them, so you might be able to buy a projector or lens 
cheaply.)  These had reasonably long focal lengths, were corrected for less 
than infinity object distance and had fair aperture (maybe F4 or so).

You might look at Fresnel lenses as condensers.


At 20:24 08.08.02 -0700, you wrote:
>I have a project and would appreciate some suggestions. I need to build a
>SOLAR ENLARGER. Basically a Daylab type enlarger, that can project a 120
>negative (in a glass holder) onto a surface as wide as 48".
>The light source will be the sun. the reason, i need to expose a
>cyanotype print.
>I would like to find a surplus lens, maybe a military arial type lens?
>Any advice or where to look? What about focusing?
>I was also thinking that I could use mirrors to focus more light into the
>enlarger. Any ideas?
>i can't contact print the cyanotype with an enlarged neg because the
>surface is not flat.
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