At 06:07 PM 8/31/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>I think they are right around $500.00  but have got to imagine there is 
>a way to build one cheaper.
>Uptown Gallery wrote:
>>Anyone have an idea what an Aristo cold head for 8x10 enlarger costs?


I have instructions for building a panoramic enlarger on my web pages. The
section about the lamp may be of help for any size enlarger. The Aristo type
heads have pre-heated cathodes so that they stay the same brightness each
time the lamp turns on. If you do not have this you need a light shutter. I
have simple instructions for making that. 
I have had custom-size grid lamps made at neon sign shops for around $40.
They will assist you with laying it out and choosing a transformer. Also the
difuser placement is important. Even commercial models get that wrong! The
difuser is 1/8 in. milk-white plex also found at a sign shop. 

Maker of Lookaround panoramic camera.
         or lookaround

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