I'm not sure you will be happy with the older SA 47mm f/8 lenses at 6x12cm;
the plaubel veriwide is pushing coverage in corners wide open at 56x92mm;
the later brooks veriwide reduced that coverage to 6x9cm (56x84mm) with 
47mm SA f/8 version, and even the 47mm f/5.6 non-XL version might be iffy?

now the 47mm f/5.6 Super Angulon XL might be a candidate for a 6x12cm rig?
see http://medfmt.8k.com/mf/vista612.html - on vistashift 612 variants...

if you have the lens, you might check the coverage with a lashed together
rig w/o helical mount before you use the f/8 version in a final rig; perhaps
the later lenses esp 47mm f/5.6 XL would be what you need (covers 4x5" see

just a cautionary note... hth bobm

* Robert Monaghan POB752182 So. Methodist Univ., Dallas Tx 75275  *
* Third Party 35mm Lenses: http://medfmt.8k.com/third/index.html  *
* Medium Format Cameras: http://medfmt.8k.com/mf/index.html       *

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