
I do also experiments how to use a flatbed scanner as a camera.

Two good ways are seen by me (Sorry for my bad english):
You use a normal CCD Scanner. These Scanners have a ~ 30 mm long CCD with
RGB Filters on it. It would be a perfect 35mm Camera Scan Bag.
I talked some time ago with a person who have (commercial) adaptet the CCD
from a Flatbed Scanner to Medium Format Cameras. Should have been one of the
earliest scanning backs. He also offerd a infrared Version.

The biggest Problem should be the mechanics. You have to build a stable CCD
Movement base.

The other way is very interesting and new: Take a scanning device from a
CMOS CIS (Contact Image Sensor) apart. The sensor is ~ 210 mm long. But it
is - as far as I now - only monochromatic.
But the mechanical adaption is easier.
Ok, itīs risky. You have to open the sensor! In the Sensor used in my Mustek
1200 CP is the CMOS a ceramic plate ~ 1*8*220 mm. It may break! In front of
the CMOS is the "lens" - a approximatley 2 * 7 * 220 mm long plexiglas ( is
that english?).

A very big problem in both cases is the calibration process before the scan
starts. Not every scanner software is easy to cheat.

I have a littel of this on my german site(
http://home.arcor.de/keinath/Selbstbau/scannerumbau.htm ), on my english
site are only some DIY links.
Here are the ones to Scanner as a camera:
http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/tech/scanner.html in German from Mathias
http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/text-better-scanner-cam.html Well known Adrew

Hope this helps
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